Monday, October 21, 2013

***UPDATE*** 10/22 - Solved. Dorms Internet – ISP Problem - Impact on Internet access performance Mon. 10/21

Our ISP has technical problems and we can’t deliver full capacity of Internet Bandwidth to Dorms at this time. While Internet is working, users will notice poor performance in Internet access. Resources related to University are not affected by this issue. Please limit your use of Internet to high importance; video streaming and Internet gaming use a lot of bandwidth and, in this condition, are not able to deliver.
ISP technical team is scheduled for tomorrow morning and we don’t expect improvement in service before that time.

We sorry for inconvenience this issue causes to our Dorm residents.


*** UPDATE ***

 Our ISP concluded work on Internet feed for Dorms. Preliminary test show Internet running at full capacity.

Thank you for your patience.


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