Tuesday, July 02, 2019

RESOLVED - Internet is unavailable

Access to the internet is currently unavailable. Our team is aware of the issue and are working to resolve.  Please check back as all updates will be posted as they are made available.

ITS Dept

Service has been restored. It may be necessary to reboot your device to establish a new connection to the network.

If you experience any further issues please call the Help Desk at 313-993-1500.


UDM-ITS said...

Issue resolved.

Unknown said...

This should be sent as an email to all UDM students, faculty and administration. As the UDM portal is not available externally when the network connection is down, anyone not on campus cannot access any of these updates. Either a mass email should be sent or an externally accessible location should be used for outage notifications. This was very frustrating today.

Nathan B. said...

Unknown, this IS the externally accessible location. I recommend bookmarking it.

UDM-ITS said...

Unknown, if you would like an email update, please type your email address in the section labeled "Follow by Email" and Blogger.com will send you updates.

Over the years, the majority has spoken and status updates are not welcomed as they appear to clog email accounts and are too frequent or not applicable to all.

As Nathan B mentioned, bookmarking this site can also be helpful for the latest status on Detroit Mercy systems. You can always google "udmercy outage blog" and that should provide results that lead you to this page.

If you really want to know what is going on, you can always call the Helpdesk during business hours at 313-993-1500.