Saturday, July 27, 2024

Phishing Message

If you received the following message from an account, please mark it as spam to notify Microsoft.

The message is a phishing attempt sent from a compromised email account.


It has come to our attention that your Office 365 account is associated with two different logins on two separate universities' portals.
To prevent immediate termination within the next 24 hours, strict adherence to this notification is required.

Please allocate 24 hours to either verify your account at or anticipate the termination of your account.

Failure to verify will result in the closure of your account.
Your compliance is imperative.

1 comment:

J said...

Can you send out instructions on how to mark it as that...not specific in the settings or actions dots in the email to mark it accordingly (from an app or phone, most certainly). I only see the flag option (not sure what does either)