Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Weblink Time Set Incorrectly - Fixed

The Weblink server had an incorrect time setting this morning as a result of a time adjustment service running in the background. This has been corrected. During the time that this was incorrect, Weblink was reporting that the service is only available from 7:15 AM to 10 PM even though it was 8 AM. This problem should not occur again as the service has been disabled and the time set appropriately. ITS Staff


Anonymous said...

Is incoming email running slow or down today?

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The system is in real trouble today, March 15, 2008. I can't load Blackboard pages, email, other UDM websites, I can't even load the ITS help page to notify them of the problem. I can't even send an email to helpdesk because the page won't load. I've left a message at 993-1500. Hopefully, someone is monitoring the system somewhere. Otherwise, my weekend work has all but shot to hell before its even started. said...

I am also having trouble connecting to UDM email.

UDM-ITS said...

We're looking into the situation. Thanks for the notifications.