Thursday, November 05, 2009 Outage

The email server was offline this morning. ITS staff was able to bring it back on line this morning at approximately 7:30 am. All inbound email for the student domain was cached and will be delivered throughout the day.



j'lynn said...

Is this why emails are slow to download tonight?

Anonymous said...

Are you using a 3rd party client to download your mail from the old student e-mail system or the new e-mail system?

Is your other web activity working fine?

Are you on campus in residence or off-campus?

j'lynn said...

I'm using Entourage to download my email, but I always do and it isn't normally a problem. All other web activity is working fine. I'm off campus running on a broadband card as usual, but had the same issue when I was at the law school tonight with my laptop.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the details. We're not seeing why the slowness at the moment...though our queues are slightly backed up. Will investigate further in the morning. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.