Sunday, January 02, 2011

TitanConnect System Upgrade Status

The UDM Information Technology Services department has been performing a major upgrade to the TitanConnect INB, TitanConnect Self Service and other modules within the TitanConnect Port system. These upgrades began on December 26 and are continuing. All of the upgrades have been completed and a few issues are now being resolved. We expect this to be completed today or tomorrow, January 3, 2011.

Soory for the delay and any inconvenience this has caused.

When the TitanConnect system is available, we will post this to this blog.


UDM-ITS said...

Banner 8 is here!!

The TitanConnect systems, both INB and Self Service have now been upgraded and are available for general use.

This includes applications for Admission.

This was a major untertaking, involving every module in the system. Over 60 upgrades were completed.

Thanks to all of those who participated.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Anonymous said...

It's still down.

UDM-ITS said...

What part of TC are you identifying as down?

Anonymous said...

The titanconnect self service. Pinged it and it was fine, but still getting the "The server at is taking too long to respond." message.

UDM-ITS said...

If you are attempting to access self-service via a prior bookmark/url, could you try accessing it by logging into the portal and using the self-service link.

Let us know if that is successful or not.

Anonymous said...

Went on Titan Connect to make a payment on my account but was unable to read what should have been printed in the dark blue areas of the payment screens. I pretty much guessed at the choices and eventually got it right but i think most people will be confused. I even tried in 2 different browsers (IE & Firefox) and they were both the same

Anonymous said...

Tried it via, originally. Still a no-go.

Anonymous said...;en-us;191143

# Error Code 10060: Connection timeout
# Background: The gateway could not receive a timely response from the website you are trying to access. This might indicate that the network is congested, or that the website is experiencing technical difficulties.

Something worth looking into if I were you guys...

UDM-ITS said...

Regarding the colors on the payment screen, we'll pass that along to the Student Accounting office.

Regarding access to self-service still not working, please contact our helpdesk and we'll see try to assist you in getting in. We are seeing a lot of others getting in and need some more detail to understand what we need to do to allow this to work for you.

Regarding the time-out matter, were you able to eventually get in or still unsuccessful. We will look at the traffic patterns now and make adjustments.

UDM-ITS said...

To the anon poster regarding the colors, I have been told this has been corrected. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Anonymous said...

The Law Library is reporting that their student employees cannot access their electronic time sheets through TC self service.

Is ITS finished activating the electronic time sheets?

UDM-ITS said...

Law Library - please contact the HR department for assistance.

The upgrades are complete and HR can assist with the time card situation.

Anonymous said...


It looks like email is unavailble right now. When I try to log in, sun java pops up? Never saw that before!